Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA)

Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Partner countries: Global, China, Ghana
Implementing partners: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Demand for cooling and air conditioning units is rising sharply in the Global South. As a result, there is an ever-growing number of appliances and foams containing halogenated hydrocarbons. These are either ozone-depleting substances (ODS) or have a high global-warming potential (hydrofluorocarbons, HFCs). When old cooling devices are not disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, the legacy ‘ODS and HFC banks’ release emissions freely into the atmosphere.

The disposal of ODS and HFC banks is not currently a priority in the international climate debate. To date, the international community has only agreed to regulate the production and consumption of ODS in the Montreal Protocol and to phase-down climate-warming HFCs in the Kigali Amendment. An agreement on how to dispose of existing ODS and HFCs is still needed.


Policy-makers are taking measures to get rid of ODS and HFC banks and thereby reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They are also incorporating this issue into their national climate strategies.


The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) is combating emissions from old cooling devices in China and Ghana. As the project progresses, more countries demonstrating considerable potential for reducing ODS and HFCs will be identified and supported. As part of this, the plan is to expand networks and to establish the Alliance in the countries concerned at political level. COPA is focusing above all on working with metropolitan regions, as this is where large quantities of legacy ODS and HFCs build up. In terms of putting reduction measures into practice, COPA carries out status quo analyses and implements practical models in selected metropolitan regions.

Last update: November 2022

Image: Shutterstock / Mikhail P.

For further information on COPA please also visit (opens in a new window).

Partner countries

Latest News

Be part of the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance 

21.07.2022 , News :

On July 21, 2022, the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance will be launched in a virtual event, offering two time slots at 10:00 – 11:00 am CET and 4:00 - 5:00 pm CET.

(opens enlarged image)

In the Soft Launch on July 21 2022, the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance will be introduced, followed by a panel discussion with various speakers sharing their views on the relevance of a global shift to sustainable refrigerant management. Speakers include representatives from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the COPA Secretariat, UNIDO, UNDP, government, private sector, academia and civil society. 

About the Alliance

The Alliance establishment is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance works globally to:

  • bring together all relevant actors from private and public sectors
  • raise awareness on the topic of ODS and HFC banks
  • advance holistic solutions to reduce ODS and HFC banks
  • promote a global shift to sustainable refrigerant management

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OpeningChristin Johnen, COPA Communications Advisor 

Welcoming Remarks

Nicole Wilke, Head of Division International Financing for the Transformation, International Market Mechanism, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)


Ellen Michel, Head of COPA Secretariat

Introduction to COPA

Lara Teutsch, Advisor, GIZ Proklima

Philipp Munzinger, Project Manager, GIZ Proklima

Moderated panel discussion

Stakeholders sharing their views on the relevance of a global shift to sustainable refrigerant management.

  • Statements from partner countries of the COPA project
  • Ajiniyaz Reimov, UNDP
  • Ole Nielson, UNIDO
  • Clare Perry & Sophie Geoghegan, EIA
  • Ken Logan, A-Gas
  • João Mendes de Araújo, NOVA University
Q&A All

Save the Date

21 July 2022
Fisrt slot: 10:00 - 11:00 am (CET)
Second  slot: 04:00 -05:00 pm (CET)
complete the form above
Fully virtually

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