Green Cooling Initiative

Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Partner countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Honduras, Kenya, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam (with regional hubs in the highlighted countries)

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

Rising temperatures and population, progressing urbanisation and economic growth are driving up the worldwide cooling demand, particularly in developing countries. But many of the refrigerants and insulating foams currently in use are harmful to the environment. In 2023, it is estimated that the refrigeration industry accounted for around ten to twelve per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.


The Green Cooling Initiative contributes to raising international awareness of the significant mitigation potential associated with environmentally- and climate-friendly cooling technologies. In its third phase, GCI supports its partners worldwide by accelerating the transformation of the cooling sector towards energy efficient technologies using natural refrigerants. This includes policy advise, technology transfer and capacity building. 

Green Cooling is the most viable way to meet the growing cooling demand and protect our climate at the same time. It is based on two principals: using natural refrigerants with an ultra-low global warming potential and highly energy-efficient appliances. Ideally, the energy comes from renewable sources. All measures should be complemented by passive cooling, e.g. shading, surrounding vegetation and good insulation.


The work of the Green Cooling Initiative III is based on three pillars:

  • Policy advise: We support key actors with access to Green Cooling instruments and arguments, offer demand-based support services and strengthen networking between stakeholders. We shed light on appropriate financing mechanisms.
  • Technology transfer: We pilot innovative Green Cooling technologies in the partner countries and in cooperation with the private sector. We therefore demonstrate their technical and economic feasibility and spark interest in further upscaling. 
  • Capacity building: We train policy makers, refrigeration trainers and technicians on the handling and characteristics of natural refrigerants. In addition, we offer needs-based trainings.

Moreover, the Green Cooling Initiative III recognises that exchange between technology suppliers and users, as well as between the industry, public institutions and civil society is important for the promotion of said technologies. One of the main goals is therefore to create global and regional networks with representatives from different sectors (see Network).


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Targeted policy advice based on Cooling Strategies will support partner countries in the implementation of cooling technology standards and measures, whilst capacity building will allow them to sustainably manage their technology transformations. Voluntary private sector contributions will increase transformational readiness and will generate public-private partnerships. Proposals to financing institutions can provide replicable funding models and instruments to facilitate access to Green Cooling technology.


The phase-out and phase-down of F-gases and the increase in energy efficiency in the RAC sector make it easier to achieve ambitious NDCs, which were defined by UNFCCC COP21 as the basis for global GHG emission savings. So far, Ghana is one of the few African countries that has integrated F-gases into its NDC to a limited extent. GCI advised Ghana on this by drawing up a GHG inventory of the RAC sector, on the basis of which a Cooling Strategy for emission reduction measures was drafted.

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Regional NOU Officers Negotiation Training held in Nairobi

11.01.2024 , News :

The Green Cooling Initiative and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Kenya organized a two-day regional negotiation training on strengthening negotiation skills for the international context for the National Ozone Officers of GCI partner countries in October 2023 in Nairobi.

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Theoretical lecture part of the Regional Negotiation Training. Participants were NOU Officers that would later participate in the MOP35 (35th Meeting of Parties) to the Montreal Protocol the following week. © GIZ, Juliet Cheruto Ngeiywa.

The Green Cooling Initiative (opens in a new window) (GCI) of the GIZ, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and Internationale Klimaschutz Initiative (opens in a new window) (IKI) supports partner countries in implementing provisions from the Montreal Protocol (MP) including the Kigali Amendment and other international conventions such as the UNFCCC. In this context, GCI and Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Kenya organized a two-day regional negotiation training on strengthening negotiation skills for the international context for the National Ozone Officers of GCI partner countries. The training took place in October 2023 in Nairobi. 21 participants, mainly NOU officers from different African countries, participated and learned about different strategies, synergies and alliances. The training took place immediately before the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP35) and prepared the participants for the upcoming negotiations. MOP35 is the event where Parties keep track of the activities regarding the implementation of the phase-down and phase-out of HCFCs and HFCs, substances that harm the ozone layer and contribute to global warming.  

© GIZ, Juliet Cheruto Ngeiywa

The training contributed to GCI’s mandate to empower developing and emerging economies to actively participate in international negotiations and table their demands. To this end, the training’s core objective was to strengthen the negotiation capacity of delegates from GCI partner countries to actively participate in negotiations held under the MP, both at individual level (skills) and at organizational level (team capacity of the delegation). 

Therefore, the training agenda included theoretical and practical exercises to better incorporate the concepts studied. Topics overviewed included the psychology of negotiations, styles and strategies, engagement with multiple parties or interests, team organization, and effective negotiation planning. Participants were given the opportunity to reflect on their negotiation skills and strategies, while also fostering their knowledge in this topic. This approach resulted in an improved capacity of NOU officers, who are now capable of a better agency and the ability to put their interests forward. The participants expressed their appreciation for the activity organized, as it was regarded as a fruitful event.