Proklima – Integrated Climate and Ozone Protection

For more than 25 years, Proklima has been promoting integrated ozone and climate protection in the cooling sector worldwide, focusing on the use of natural refrigerants and foam blowing agents.

Map with partner countries

Proklima advises the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Policy advice, capacity building, awareness raising, and knowledge transfer are in the centre of Proklima’s activities. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project supports the German government in all bilateral and multilateral processes related to the Montreal Protocol.

Proklima supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through technical and policy advice and participates in meetings and conferences of the Montreal Protocol such as the Meeting of the Parties (MOP), the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) and ExCom. Through publications and events, it informs both the professional audience and the general public about latest developments on sustainable cooling and future-friendly natural refrigerants. One of its lighthouse activities is the "Cool Training" course about the save handling of natural refrigerants for trainers, technicians and policy makers from around the world. It is offered several times a year in cooperation with the professional training institute Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Germany.


Image: giz / Andreas Döring
Laura Casas Morán, participant of a Cool Training in 2022: "We learnt a lot about natural refrigerants. This is really important, because in my country we still need a change in mindsets."

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GIZ office buildings cooled with propane and CO2

06/2021 , Publication - Video :

The office buildings at GIZ in Bonn, Germany, have air conditioning systems based on propane and C02. Such natural refrigerants are especially ozone- and climate-friendly. Join us on our video tour and learn more about the air conditioning at GIZ Bonn!

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3 in 1: energy efficient, ozone- and climate-friendly

The office buildings at GIZ Bonn were built in 2015 (Mäander building) and 2020 (GIZ Campus). Sustainability was very important in the planning process, also in terms of ventilation and air conditioning. Even the refrigerants contained in the heat pumps have been carefully selected. The air conditioning system of the Mäander building is based on 66 kg propane while 450 kg CO2 are used in the Campus building. Both refrigerants are ozone- and climate-friendly due to their very low Global Warming Potential. The air conditioning system based on CO2 is custom-made and all necessary safety measures have been taken at both plants. "We feel absolutely safe", says Mr. Schäfer, technical director of the buildings services at GIZ Bonn.