Proklima – Integrated Climate and Ozone Protection

For more than 25 years, Proklima has been promoting integrated ozone and climate protection in the cooling sector worldwide, focusing on the use of natural refrigerants and foam blowing agents.

Map with partner countries

Proklima advises the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Policy advice, capacity building, awareness raising, and knowledge transfer are in the centre of Proklima’s activities. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project supports the German government in all bilateral and multilateral processes related to the Montreal Protocol.

Proklima supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through technical and policy advice and participates in meetings and conferences of the Montreal Protocol such as the Meeting of the Parties (MOP), the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) and ExCom. Through publications and events, it informs both the professional audience and the general public about latest developments on sustainable cooling and future-friendly natural refrigerants. One of its lighthouse activities is the "Cool Training" course about the save handling of natural refrigerants for trainers, technicians and policy makers from around the world. It is offered several times a year in cooperation with the professional training institute Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Germany.


Image: giz / Andreas Döring
Laura Casas Morán, participant of a Cool Training in 2022: "We learnt a lot about natural refrigerants. This is really important, because in my country we still need a change in mindsets."

Latest News

Green Cooling Summit 2021 | Highlights

18.06.2021 , News :

650 registrations from 100 countries, 330 questions from the audience, 32 speakers, 3 days, 1 goal: Advancing Green Cooling together! Please note that materials from each day are available at the bottom of this page.

Three days full of keynotes, presentations, discussions and new impressions are now behind us. We would like to take this opportunity to send you a big, virtual “THANK YOU”! Even if we could not address every question, we were grateful for all contributions in the chat and your positive feedback mails. We hope you were able to take something away from the three days and are now pursuing your path to more climate-friendly cooling more consistently than ever.


Why are you advocating for Green Cooling?

Please fill in evaluation

You will find the link to all conference materials (presentations, recordings and a conference paper) below the evaluation form on this page. We would be enormously grateful if you could take the time to answer some of the questions. It takes less than 5 minutes and helps us to improve the events we organise for you.

Your opinion matters! Evaluate our event.

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Grid Day 1 - 3

Green Coo­ling Sum­mit 2021 | Recap Day 1

Find all recordings and presentations from the 1st Day of the Green Cooling Summit.

Grid Network & Conference Paper

Green Coo­ling Sum­mit 2021 | Recap Day 1

Find all recordings and presentations from the 1st Day of the Green Cooling Summit.

Green Coo­ling Sum­mit 2021 | Re­cap Day 2

Find all recordings and presentations from the 2nd Day of the Green Cooling Summit.

Green Coo­ling Sum­mit 2021 | Re­cap Day 3

Find all recordings and presentations from the 3rd Day of the Green Cooling Summit.

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