Sustainable and climate-friendly phase-out of ODS (SPODS)

In 2017, representatives of the National Ozone Units from Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Grenada, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela came together to take on a common challenge: Avoiding the use of highly warming HFCs in their RAC sectors when phasing out ODS.

Map with partner countries

Partner Countries

Their activities range from ODS/HFC destruction, refrigerant grade hydrocarbon production and trainings for technicians on the safe handling of natural refrigerants to technology pilots and the development of mitigation strategies.

Funding and objective

The project SPODS is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). SPODS has been assisting a number of Latin American and Caribbean countries with their transformation processes in fulfilling their obligations under the Montreal Protocol related to the ODS phase-out and their current HFC mitigation at the same time, in anticipation of the Kigali obligations. The objective is to help define the appropriate actions on how to reduce both the consumption of ODS and HFCs, to bring down energy demand and related GHG emissions. GIZ Proklima is implementing this programme in cooperation with UNDP and UNIDO and the National Ozone Units in the respective countries.

Gallery SPODS

Project highlights

"Always a two-way street" - Interview with Philip Owen

The European Union was one of the first movers regarding F-gas regulation and HCFC phase-out. As part of the SPODS project in Latin America and the Caribbean, we had the pleasure of interviewing Philip Owen of the European Commission.

How to successfully combine ODS phase-out and early actions on HFC?

During our virtual panel discussion in the framwork of the OEWG42, SPODS partners shared their experiences from various activities such as hydrocarbon refrigerant production, trainings for technicians on the safe handling of natural refrigerants and the development of mitigation strategies.

Technology Roadshow 2021

(opens in a new window)

In April 2021 our virtual Technology Roadshow took place. Companies from the RAC sector filmed Green Cooling technolgies and presented them to an interested audience. 

SPODS Flipbook

The flipbook provides an overview of the activities carried out in each SPODS country.

Latest News

A solid foundation for Latin America and the Caribbean

06.07.2021 , News :

The SPODS project supported seven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in their shift to Green Cooling. Today, after almost 4 years of successful cooperation, we draw a conclusion. 

(opens enlarged image)Nengloveyou/

The ambition of the SPODS project was to support Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Grenada, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela on their path to Green Cooling. SPODS started in 2017 and was co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). “The goal was to assist the countries in two matters”, says Mónica Silva Gonzalez, project manager at GIZ, Germany, “on the one hand, in fulfilling their obligations under the Montreal Protocol related to the ODS phase-out and on the other hand, in their current HFC mitigation in anticipation of the Kigali obligations.” GIZ implemented the project together with UNDP and UNIDO in close cooperation with the National Ozone Units of the respective countries. 

From food to flowers - everything needs refrigeration 

“For us it was important to meet each country on its individual level taking into account their national situation, needs and challenges”, says Mónica Silva Gonzalez. Working closely with the local industry and users of cooling technologies was a crucial component. Therefore, the partner countries cooperated with various sectors like supermarkets, flower farmers, the dairy products industry and hotels as well the RAC service sector. This resulted in various enriching outputs. The partners developed sound technical and economic assessments for the introduction of Green Cooling technologies in their country. Some followed innovative approaches and created guidelines to formulate initiatives using carbon credits. Others evaluated the energy consumption of propane-based air conditioning systems or explored the feasibility of national low-GWP refrigerant production, such as hydrocarbons of refrigerant grade. 

The SPODS project also offered support in terms of ODS treatment. Thus, ODS inventories were developed, the current national situation as well as regulatory framework were assessed, and end-of-life treatment strategies were designed. “All these measures constitute the base for a sound and integrated management of ODS banks” says Mónica. 

SPODS pictures

New skills for RAC technicians 

A sustainable switch to Green Cooling technologies is only possible with the corresponding know-how. RAC technicians who know how to handle natural refrigerants safely play a major role in this regard. In specific trainings such as the Cool Training, they learned about the characteristics and safety aspects of natural refrigerants as well as about servicing the respective equipment. 

Sharing of experience and know-how 

Another important aspect is networking with stakeholders who are following the same path. Therefore, several “Technology Roadshows” were organised including company visits in Germany and Costa Rica as well as videos and online events showcasing applications based on natural refrigerants and promoting the sharing of experience. The virtual Technology Roadshow 2021 brought up a video series from several RAC companies and institutions across Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. They are available online (opens in a new window). “We are happy that despite these challenging times, we were able to unite countries worldwide and could learn from each other”, says Mónica, “With all these components, SPODS contributed significantly to the preparation of the partner countries to introduce Green Cooling technologies.”  


GIZ Proklima would like to thank the National Ozone Units of the SPODS partner countries, UNDP and UNIDO, BMZ and the European Union for this fruitful cooperation. 


SPODS stands for “A Sustainable and climate-friendly Phase out of Ozone Depleting Substances”. The project was co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. SPODS started in December 2017 and ended in June 2021.