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Successful trainings carried out and handbook launched in India

03.12.2018 , Noticias :

More than 60 trainers from various parts and training centers across India, successfully completed a train-the-trainer workshop on “Good service practices and installation of Room Air-conditioners with HCFC – 22 and flammable refrigerants”.

(abre la imagen ampliada)
Group photo of the train-the-trainer workshop in India © Proklima

They have been trained in three 5-Day workshops in August and September within the Hydrofluorocarbons Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) of the Servicing Sector. The intention is to train in total 17,000 local RAC-Technicians until 2023.

In parallel, the comprehensive handbooks for trainers and technicians (abre en una nueva ventana) have been updated. The publications were relaunched in the presence of Dr. Harsh Vardhan (Minister for Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC (abre en una nueva ventana)), Government of India (GoI (abre en una nueva ventana))) and Dr. Mahesh Sharma (Minister of State for MoEF&CC, GoI) during the World Ozone Day Celebrations in New-Delhi on September 17th.The Servicing Sector Activities under the HPMP Stage II are implemented by the Ozone Cell of the MoEF&CC in cooperation with the GIZ and UN Environment (UNE (abre en una nueva ventana)).