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Mum’s Vaccination Tool – Strengthening last mile health services

01.04.2019 , Noticias :

In February 2019, the team of “Mum’s Vaccination Tool” (MVT) visited communities and health facilities in remote areas in Kenya.

(abre la imagen ampliada)
Delivering vaccinations with support of the MVT app. Photo: © Simon Mischel

MVT is part of GIZ’s 2018 Innovation Fund, which aims to promote data-driven solutions for sustainable development. MVT supports health workers to increase immunization rates in hard-to-reach communities by improving the management of vaccination services. 1 out of 5 children still lack full immunization today. Access to quality health services is still a major issue in remotes areas in less-developed countries. A group of passionate innovators from GIZ Proklima (abre en una nueva ventana), GIZ PROFILE, the SolarChill (abre en una nueva ventana) project, a pediatrician from Germany & a medical doctor from Naikarra Health dispensary in Kenya, are developing an app to support health workers plan & conduct vaccination services. With the installation of solar-powered, environmentally friendly vaccine refrigerators to ensure availability of quality vaccines, the development of the MVT app aims to improve the delivery of vaccination services to local communities.

Together with 5 fellow teams (abre en una nueva ventana), MVT was chosen among more than 100 projects to take part in the 7-month Accelerator program of GIZ’s 2018 Innovation Fund. Guided by a human-centered design approach, the MVT team has conducted user research, tested prototypes and developed a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) from the initial project proposal. The final MVPs will be pitched to the Innovation Fund jury on May 22nd 2019.

Follow MVT on Twitter @MVT_InnoFund (abre en una nueva ventana)