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Policy makers experience Cool Training with all senses

05.06.2023 , Noticias :

A week-long training programme in Germany in May provided policy makers from around the world with a unique learning experience focused on ozone and climate protection.

The training programme struck a balance between technical content and thematic input to suit the diverse backgrounds of the participants. It aimed to improve their understanding of the technical aspects of Green Cooling while providing relevant knowledge for their policy role.

The participants work as National Ozone Unit Officers (NOU) or climate focal points within ministries and governmental bodies of their respective countries from around the world. 13 countries from South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe and Asia were represented in the training at the vocational training center Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS) in Maintal, close to Frankfurt, Germany.

During the training, participants had the opportunity to use their senses in various activities such as smelling, hearing and feeling to enhance their understanding of natural refrigerants in the cooling sector.