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From Zero Interest to Net Zero: Retail Banking for Energy Efficiency, Philippines

06.05.2024 , Noticias :

A training workshop in the Philippines offered the opportunity to find solustions to create more incentives for consumers to invest in energy efficient and climate-friendly appliances. Like this the cooling sector in the country should be able to fulfil its crimate targets.

(abre la imagen ampliada)
The workshop participants discussed how to provide incentives for consumers to buy energy efficient cooling technology.

The 30 by 30 Zero project implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II) implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) collaborated on “From Zero Interest to Net Zero: Training Workshop on Mobilizing Retail Banking to Promote Energy Efficient Appliances in the Philippines” which specifically targeted retail banks to develop creative solutions in promoting energy efficient appliances to their clients by knowing its Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and the Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) for cooling appliances.