Contribuciones frescas para combatir el cambio climático II

El Acuerdo de París y la Enmienda de Kigali al Protocolo de Montreal proporcionan el marco internacional para la refrigeración sostenible. Sin embargo, se necesita más coherencia política entre el Acuerdo de París y el Protocolo de Montreal para permitir una acción climática ambiciosa en el sector de RAC. El proyecto global C4 II es una continuación del proyecto IKI "Contribuciones frescas para combatir el cambio climático" (C4 I) y ayuda a los tomadores de desiciones a diseñar e implementar NDC más ambiciosos en el sector de refrigeración. Los países de enfoque son Costa Rica, Granada y Filipinas.

Imagen: Shutterstock

Encargado por: Ministerio Federal de Medio Ambiente, Protección de la Naturaleza, Seguridad Nuclear y Protección al Consumidor de Alemania (BMUV)
Países:  Costa Rica, Granada, Filipinas


El objetivo del proyecto es fomentar el desarrollo sostenible del sector de los CCR reforzando la competencia de los agentes clave y mejorando las estructuras relacionadas. C4 II adapta las metodologías existentes y desarrolla nuevas herramientas para replicarlas en otros países, promoviendo la transformación hacia una refrigeración sostenible. Se espera que la mayor ambición desencadenada por los planes de aplicación de las NDC específicas del sector desbloquee un enorme potencial de reducción de GEI.

Actividades específicas de los países

La cooperación con los tres países socios tiene dos sentidos: Primero, los países recibirán apoyo para avanzar e implementar las estrategias de refrigeración desarrolladas con la asistencia de C4 I. Segundo, los tres países servirán como fuentes valiosas de conocimiento sobre estrategias de refrigeración, enfoques políticos y demostración de tecnología de refrigeración verde, que es muy relevante para cada vez más países.


El núcleo del proyecto es un enfoque sostenible que permita un fuerte efecto multiplicador. Las mejores prácticas e instrumentos desarrollados en C4 I se pondrán a disposición de otros paíse
s para su reproducción en anteproyectos y directrices. Esto incluye, por ejemplo, un proyecto sobre NDC sectoriales o una hoja de ruta para la introducción de Normas Mínimas de Eficiencia Energética. Los enfoques probados se transferirán sistemáticamente a otras regiones, lo que a su vez aumentará la concienciación sobre la refrigeración ecológica.

países socios

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Cool Talks PBH: "Gender Equality: Challenges and Opportunities of the HVAC-R sector"

05.03.2023 , Noticias :

Priscila Baioco is president of the Women's Committee of ABRAVA – Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating, National Sales Manager (Insulation) at Armacell Brazil and postgraduate in the area of Business Management. She talks in this interview about the importance of joining forces to expand female participation in the HVAC-R sector – Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration in Brazil.

(abre la imagen ampliada)
Priscila Baioco, president of the Women's Committee of ABRAVA

What is the mission of this Committee and its importance for the evolution of the HVAC-R sector in Brazil?

The mission of our Committee is to be a forum for discussion of women in the HVAC-R sector, encouraging the insertion of women in the sector and expanding their knowledge, so that they can be protagonists in their areas of activity. We want the committee to be a reference, that is, the Committee "speaks" in Fiesp (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo), "speaks" with the other entities, so it can be recognized as the sector's reference committee for the causes of gender equality. Therefore, we have constituted a committee, which in its base has a diversity of profiles of women, composed of professionals from companies, engineers, technicians and academics. All united with the aim of bringing the vision of gender equality, which is beneficial to all companies, including in terms of profitability and innovation.

What are the Commitee's objectives? And what are the biggest challenges to reaching these goals?

Our goal is to insert women in the sector, in management and operation, and expanding their access to innovations, through sustainable practices.  We do not think of the issue of women in the sector, as a theme of "fashion" or as "short-lived". It is a serious work that we are doing to make this result come in a sustainable way.

The biggest challenge was the Covid-19 pandemic, because our Committee was launched on March 7, 2020, at an event at Fatec-SP (São Paulo State Technological College), and soon after everything closed... So we started working online, with meetings and events, which made it difficult to participate. But we didn't give up. To evolve we decided to do a survey to understand the profile of women in the sector and their expectations

The essence of the Women's Committee of ABRAVA by Priscila Baioco:

"Abrava's Women's Committee joins forces to work on gender equality in the HVAC-R sector, so that there are opportunities for everyone!"

Talk about what motivates you in this job as president of the Women's Committee of the ABRAVA...

Thinking about business... It is to bring innovation and all the positive results of gender equality to companies in the sector. And, thinking of people, is to see more women achieving their goals and managing to develop in the HVAC-R sector.

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(abre en una nueva ventana)

In our "Cool Talks" interview series, members of the Green Cooling Initiative Network share their vision of Green Cooling. The GCI Network is an alliance of key players in the refrigeration, air-conditioning & foam sector. It comprises government institutions, international organisations and the private sector. They are united on one goal: the transformation of the cooling sector – for the benefit of people, the environment, and our shared future.

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