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Successful side events at the 30th MOP in Ecuador

03/12/2018 , Actualité :

During the 30th MOP in Quito at the beginning of November, Proklima hosted two successful side events. Around 50 participants attended the event "Coordinating finance for sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning", funded by the BMU. Approximately 40 attendees informed themselves about the transition to natural refrigerants in the Latin American and Caribbean region and exchanged their experiences. The latter was financed by the BMZ.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the RAC sector poses a particular challenge to the implementation of effective financial strategies due to its cross-sectoral nature and thus complex structure of involved actors. The side event highlighed the importance of financial flows of various actors to be coordinated and integrated in order to exploit the full reduction potential in the sector.

The second side event was jointly organized by the EU Commission and the GIZ as part of the SPODS project. Under the heading "Latin America and the Caribbean go NatRef! A fitness check of different actors required to implement the Kigali Amendment", experts and practitioners discussed the chances, challenges and obstacles with which countries are confronted in the transformation to green cooling technologies. All presentations of the events are available here (Ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre).