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Grenada’s National Climate Change Committee embraces plans for a sustainable transformation of the RAC sector

19/04/2024 , Actualité :

Grenada underscored its commitment for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency in the cooling sector with the successful convening of a stakeholder workshop on its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector. 

(ouvre une image agrandie)
In the picture: Peron Johnson (Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy), Leslie Smith (National Ozone Officer), Maja Schmauser, Jiminy Scott (GIZ Proklima), Irene Papst (HEAT GmbH), members of the National Climate Change Committee and further stakeholders.  

In Grenada, cooling accounts for one-third of Grenada’s total greenhouse gas emissions and more than 60% of the nation’s national electricity consumption. Recognizing the rising demand for cooling, members the National Climate Change Committee and further stakeholders convened in a workshop on the 7th of March 2024 to discuss strategies for implementing and setting more ambitious goals for the RAC sector within Grenada's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).  

The workshop provided a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and understanding among key stakeholders. It facilitated discussions on various aspects of the RAC sector, including housing strategy, waste management, and technician capacities. 26 participants explored implementation strategies that require a systemic approach and buy-in from all involved entities.