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Germany is supporting Ghana’s green AC transformation

03.12.2018 , News :

The Government of Germany donated 380 green AC units to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana in August 2018. The handover was followed by a workshop for 15 technicians on the safe handling of the new green technology in October 2018. Both events were facilitated by the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI), implemented by GIZ on behalf of the BMU.

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R290 Handover in Ghana © GIZ Proklima / Asiedu Danquah

The 380 green ACs run on the natural refrigerant R290 and are high energy efficient. They are not only more environmentally friendly, but also cheaper to operate for consumers. Acknowledging the various environmental and economic benefits of transitioning to green cooling technologies, EPA aims to promote its broader market uptake, targeting a market penetration of green ACs of 70% by 2030 in order to avoid greenhouse gas emissions of up to 7,86 Mt CO2eq.