Urban October 2024 Registration

Green Cooling Solutions: A Case Study from GIZ Bonn

The cooling sector accounts for up to 10% of global emissions. The transition to sustainable cooling and heating systems is crucial – and is being promoted by Germany and GIZ. GIZ Bonn Campus is a showcase example as heat pumps with the natural refrigerant propane are used. Natural refrigerants have no ozone depleting potential and only an ultra-low global warming potential, making them the future friendly solution.

This is a great opportunity for GIZ colleagues to see an in-house example of globally promoted technology. The session will feature a 10-minute Green Cooling pitch and a tour of the Campus Forum facility to explore the topic in more depth. 

Event date: October 23, 2024 (13:30-14:30 CEST)

Event format: Guided Tour

Location: GIZ Campus Bonn, BC10415

Language: German or English - depending on requirements


  • Juliette Noppe, G330 - PROKLIMA – speaker pitch
  • Paola Bustillos, G330 - PROKLIMA – speaker pitch
  • Sebastian Rochus, E390 – speaker and guide for the cooling system

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