Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II)

Image: Shutterstock

Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Partner countries: Costa Rica, Grenada, the Philippines


The objective of the project is to foster sustainable development of the RAC sector by strengthening the competence of key actors and improving related structures. C4 II adapts existing methodologies and develops new tools for replication in other countries, promoting the transformation towards sustainable cooling. Increased ambition triggered by sector specific NDC implementation plans is expected to unlock enormous GHG reduction potential. 

Country specific objective

Cooperation with the three partner countries is twofold: Firstly, the countries will be supported in advancing and implementing the cooling strategies developed with C4 I assistance. Secondly, all three countries will serve as valuable sources of knowledge on cooling strategies, policy approaches and green cooling technology demonstration, which is highly relevant for an increasing number of third countries.  


A sustainable approach enabling a strong multiplier effect lies at the core of the project. Best practices and instruments developed in C4 I are to be made available to other countries for replication in blueprints and guidelines. This includes, for instance, a blueprint on sector-specific NDCs or a roadmap for the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards. Proven approaches are to be systematically transferred to other regions, which in turn will increase awareness of Green Cooling. 

Partner countries

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Cool Talks: "Organizing technician trainings is one of the most rewarding experiences in my job"

16.04.2021 , News :

From droughts, to floods and land pollution: Marindany Kirui has experienced many dynamic changes in his environment. Today, he is the Coordinator of the National Ozone Unit in Kenya and is actively involved in environmental protection. 

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Marindany Kirui has been involved in ozone and climate protection for over 20 years. For about eight years now, he is the Coordinator of the National Ozone Unit in Kenya, a unit within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Against this background, Mr. Kirui is actively driving a nationwide shift to Green Cooling (ozone- & climate-friendly refrigerants in combination with high energy efficiency). We talked to him about his most rewarding experience and what’s still lacking for a successful transition.

Mr. Kirui, to begin with, a very general question: Why do you personally care about the environment? Is there a memorable experience in this regard?

Personally, I care about the environment as I have witnessed dynamic changes in it. I have experienced droughts, floods, change in rain patterns in the country, food loss, food wastage and land pollution (dumping of obsolete equipment), among others.

How did you get into ozone and climate protection and how long have you been working in this field?

Having been in the pollution control division of the Department of Environment in the Ministry of Environment as a chemist, and having the Ministry of Environment as the Focal point of the Ozone treaties, I was seconded to the Institutional Strengthening project under the Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer as Assistant Coordinator. I have been working in the field for twenty (20) years.


During these 20 years in ozone and climate protection, you have certainly been able to build up an enormous wealth of experience. What has been one of the most rewarding experiences during your career?

My most rewarding experience during my career was and still is the organization of training workshops for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians on the safe use of natural refrigerants, in particular hydrocarbon refrigerants.

Training technicians in the use of natural refrigerants is an important prerequisite for the nationwide dissemination of climate-friendly cooling. Kenya also included the RAC sector into its NDC update technical report in 2020. How do you envision an ideal refrigeration and air conditioning sector in Kenya in the future?

I envision an ideal refrigeration and air conditioning sector when Kenya fully adopts ozone- and climate-friendly technologies which are also energy efficient.

Even in difficult times, technician trainings continue to be conducted under strict hygiene conditions in Kenya. The picture shows Mr. Kirui (on the right) and the participants of a training in February 2021.

We are now talking about the nationwide adoption of Green Cooling. But truth be told: Do you personally have climate-friendly air conditioning or refrigeration at home?

Yes, I have climate-friendly refrigerators at home. The refrigerators operate on R600a.

Please complete 

The biggest obstacle for Green Cooling in Kenya at the moment is…
"the lack of a National Green Cooling Action Plan."

There should be more women in refrigeration and air conditioning because…
"they are significantly underrepresented in the RAC sector."

I love my job because…
"it makes me contribute positively to a clean and healthy environment."

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In our "Cool Talks" interview series, members of the Green Cooling Initiative Network share their vision of Green Cooling. The GCI Network is an alliance of key players in the refrigeration, air-conditioning & foam sector. It comprises government institutions, international organisations and the private sector. They are united on one goal: the transformation of the cooling sector – for the benefit of people, the environment, and our shared future.

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