Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II)

Image: Shutterstock

Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Partner countries: Costa Rica, Grenada, the Philippines


The objective of the project is to foster sustainable development of the RAC sector by strengthening the competence of key actors and improving related structures. C4 II adapts existing methodologies and develops new tools for replication in other countries, promoting the transformation towards sustainable cooling. Increased ambition triggered by sector specific NDC implementation plans is expected to unlock enormous GHG reduction potential. 

Country specific objective

Cooperation with the three partner countries is twofold: Firstly, the countries will be supported in advancing and implementing the cooling strategies developed with C4 I assistance. Secondly, all three countries will serve as valuable sources of knowledge on cooling strategies, policy approaches and green cooling technology demonstration, which is highly relevant for an increasing number of third countries.  


A sustainable approach enabling a strong multiplier effect lies at the core of the project. Best practices and instruments developed in C4 I are to be made available to other countries for replication in blueprints and guidelines. This includes, for instance, a blueprint on sector-specific NDCs or a roadmap for the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards. Proven approaches are to be systematically transferred to other regions, which in turn will increase awareness of Green Cooling. 

Partner countries

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Cool Talks: "Energy efficiency to CO2 in a simple way"

04.09.2023 , News :

For this Cool Talk, we had the opportunity to interview Mr. Damon Wyatt, Vice President and General Manager of Kysor Warren (part of EPTA Group), a leading brand of commercial refrigeration system that offers customers natural refrigeration technologies, including transcritical CO2 (R744) systems and hydrocarbon display cases. The company, understanding that the market is ripe for the uptake of natural refrigerant-based technology, is actively installing and advocating for such systems.

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Mr. Damon Wyatt, Vice President and General Manager of Kysor Warren

Why has Kysor Warren joined the Green Cooling Initiative?

We are very passionate about our industry and the impact that we have on the environment. We know that over the years refrigeration has polluted the world, and now it is our opportunity to give back. So you guys at ATMOsphere and the Green Cooling Initiative have been doing a great job raising awareness around the world and we share a common goal.

What do you, as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), think are the biggest obstacles to the adoption of natural refrigerants?

 A first obstacle that we have seen is talent, bringing knowledge to the technicians. Secondly, CO2 in some climates has had an energy penalty. And three, there was a cost premium on new technologies. However, there is a lot of hard work going on to overcome these difficulties, so, for example, currently there is a lot of training going on, and the solutions we are bringing to the market are simpler just so that technicians feel more comfortable around it. And we are bringing energy efficiency to CO2 in a simple way that is also easy for technicians.

As the Green Cooling Initiative is very much focused on development in the Global South, what is your commitment to that region? Do you have any plans you could share with us? What would support from the Green Cooling Initiative look like?

We aim to create awareness. We all need to understand the impact that we have and the fact that we can change things. We have several facilities throughout Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, and there is a lot of awareness that needs to be created in these areas of the world. So a lot of great opportunities.

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In our #Cool Talks” interview series, members of the Green Cooling Initiative Network share their vision of Green Cooling. The GCI Network is an alliance of key players in the refrigeration, air-conditioning & foam sector. It comprises government institutions, international organizations and the private sector. They are united on one goal: the transformation of the cooling sector – for the benefit of people, the environment and our shared future. 

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